Links to content that I find interesting. As this section is constantly growing you might see links presented in different order.
The intelligence coup of the century. A long-running CIA operation that sold rigged encryption equipment under the Crypto AG facade.
The Xerox Alto. An article devoted to the Xerox Alto. The first and truly personal computer as we know it today.
The Avro Arrow. The history of the Avro Arrow, an advanced canadian jet and its tragic fate.
Admiral cloudberg's blog. A fantastic website that painstakingly reveal the events that lead to aviation accidents.
El sumidero de dios. A short story by Guillermo Martinez (in spanish).
TraumaZone. An excellent documentary about living in the Soviet Union.
Sugar: THE BITTER TRUTH. A brilliant exposition by Robert Lustig about the ravages produced by sugar.
Fabien Sanglard's website. A must stop for developers interested in graphics, retro programming and other tech topics.
Electronic Frontier Foundation. Privacy and free speech are cornerstone rights. Get informed and fight back.
Encyclopedia of things considered harmful. Check it out. Won't dissapoint you!
Ad Nauseam. A browser plugin not only to block ads but also to retaliate. I use it since I don't know when.
Privacy badger. Invisible tracker blocker. I use it as a companion to Ad Nauseam.
Vimium. If you feel comfortable with Vim, this extension brings Vim shortcuts to your browser.